Home > Corporate > PTTGC and GCME Top Executives Visit SAKURA Project

PTTGC and GCME Top Executives Visit SAKURA Project

On 2 August, top executives from PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (PTTGC) and GC Maintenance and Engineering Company Limited (GCME) led by Mr. Toasaporn Boonyapipat, PTTGC President and AGC Vinythai Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, paid a visit to Sakura project at MTP1 where AGC Vinythai top managements led by Mr. Tomotaka Yoshikawa, Managing Director gave them a warm welcome.

After being shared about the overview of Sakura project, the visitors were brought to construction area to learn about progress of the project explained by Mr. Koji Abe, Senior Vice President, Mr. Chokpinid Lomkamdee, PVC Division Manager and Expansion Project Division Manager, and Mr. Patarawat Pathomtuppmongkol, Project Manager of GCME.

This is the first time that the top executives of both companies visiting Sakura project which is constructing VCM and PVC plants. The new plants are expected to start up within mid of 2025.

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