Mr. Triphop Wongtrirat, Rayong Governor, presided over Robe Offering Ceremony hosted by PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited, together with governmental agencies, industrial entrepreneurs in Map Ta Phut, and Nong Fab community at Nong Fab Temple, Map Ta Phut Subdistrict, Mueang Rayong District, Rayong Province.
Mr. Niran Areechon, Division Manager of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment and Ms. Viraya Khunprom, Deputy Division Manager of Corporate Communications joined the ceremony as representatives of AGC Vinythai Public Company Limited. The donation was humbly granted to Phrakhru Rattanakornwisut, Abbot of Nong Fab temple, with a purpose of building a big brass Ganesha statue with 6-meter width and 8-meter height as well as supporting scholarship for Wat Nong Fab School.
The ceremonytotally raised 20,713,362 baht in donations. If you wish to make donation for building the Ganesha statue, please donate via bank transfer at Krungthai Bank Plc., Account Number: 234-0-99538-8.